I’ve been developing a lot of content for ASaratogaWedding.com, and I thought I’d share some of my recent pieces on how to choose a wedding dress, navigating the name change and other legalities, what you’ll want on your gift registry, and more.

I’ve been developing a lot of content for ASaratogaWedding.com, and I thought I’d share some of my recent pieces on how to choose a wedding dress, navigating the name change and other legalities, what you’ll want on your gift registry, and more.
“Happy anniversary,” people said to me on the first and second anniversaries of the day I got married. “Thanks,” I said, secretly thinking, It’s not *really* my anniversary.
For the first two years of marriage I really believed the real anniversary was the day we started dating. That was the day our relationship started – not five years later when we had a big party and signed a piece of paper. The love and commitment were there long before.
But my third wedding anniversary just passed and I’ve changed my tune on this one.
I took wedding preparations very seriously. It was a two year engagement, so I had a lot of time to plan for every teeny tiny thing. And I did. With the help of several significant people, the wedding was pulled off successfully.
Admittedly, towards the end I stopped caring about the minute details.
There was a noticeable crease on the guest stone sign – I did not reprint it. A jewel came off of the center of my dress – I let that roll off my back. I should have touched up the roots of my hair one more time before the big day – I couldn’t be bothered.
Of course, no amount of preparations can assure a completely surprise-free wedding.
Here are the top 5 things I wasn’t expecting. (This is separate from the major things that went wrong, which you can read about here.)
All photos in this post except the first one are courtesy of our fantastic photographer, Jim McLaughlin.
My wedding shower – or bridal shower if you will – was this past Saturday. It went perfectly, other than the fact that it flew by so fast I didn’t get a chance to speak with everyone individually as I wanted to.
In the majority of my wedding posts I talk about the planning process, questions to ask vendors, etc. I hope as I write about my wedding journey I can advise and occasionally amuse others along the way.
In the case of the shower, I had nothing to do with the planning and didn’t know where the location was until I was driven there. It was so wonderful to be out of the loop, to have one less thing to worry about.
Consequently, I don’t have a solid list of how to plan a shower, but I would like to share what was done for me – I’m sure great ideas can be sparked.
To start out with this, this was the cake, courtesy of my very talented future sister-in-law. I’m pretty sure all guests were shocked that she is not a cake person or baker by profession.
We’ve been working on our wedding gift registry. I must say, this is one of the more enjoyable aspects of wedding planning.
Here’s what I’ve learned so far. . .
Although it’s been a fairly long engagement, things are getting down to the wire now. The fiance and I have had to step up in the wedding planning department.
Recently, we chose our photographer, and we are super confident in our decision. Here is the list of questions I asked, taken from various sources, but primarily from my wedding bible.