Category: Just Me

  • A Hiatus

    This blog is on a hiatus for the time being!

    Feel free to browse the archives and ask questions if they come up. Comments are still checked sporadically, or you can email. Once in a great awhile I’m updating certain posts to ensure info is still current.

    Why No More Blogging?

    I’ve gone back and forth on keeping this up but don’t want to put energy into something that doesn’t feel authentic anymore. I’ve grown away from food writing, and no longer take joy in recording every new recipe I try.

    With a full time “real” writing job and a second baby on the way my time is more precious than ever. I’m at a point in my life where I want my free writing time to be dedicated to my original true writing love: fiction.

  • 2018: the year I did yoga every day

    Adriene Mishler may not know it, but she’s done yoga with me almost every day for a year. On the days I wasn’t doing Yoga With Adriene videos I was freestyling on my own, and once, actually set foot in a yoga studio.

    Yeah. I just did yoga every single day for a full year – and had a regular routine going for a few years before that. Here’s what happened, and what’s happening next.

    woman doing yoga on beach, toddler nearby


  • Do you read parenting books?

    Recently, I commented on a Facebook post about a study citing that spanked children are more likely to be violent with future partners. In my thoughts, I mentioned the book What to Expect the First Year, and someone responded basically dissing me for reading parenting books.

    It got me thinking…

    books on a bookshelf with Get Out of My Life But First Could You Drive Me And Cheryl to the Mall featured


  • Where I get opinionated about Thanksgiving, gun control, and more

    Confession time: I recently wrote out a whole blog post with my unpopular opinion on a relevant issue today and I decided not to post it. I’m glad I didn’t, too.

    But you know what? I think sometimes I play it too safe, and am overly quiet. But I have a voice, I have opinions, and I have a convenient platform here with which to express them.

    Here are my thoughts on: stores being open on Thanksgiving, the woman who recently gave the finger to the president’s motorcade, and gun control.


  • The dating anniversary VS the marriage anniversary

    “Happy anniversary,” people said to me on the first and second anniversaries of the day I got married. “Thanks,” I said, secretly thinking, It’s not *really* my anniversary.

    For the first two years of marriage I really believed the real anniversary was the day we started dating. That was the day our relationship started – not five years later when we had a big party and signed a piece of paper. The love and commitment were there long before.

    But my third wedding anniversary just passed and I’ve changed my tune on this one.

    Photo credit: McLaughlin Photography


  • 100 happy days – could you complete the challenge?

    As mentioned before, I did the 100 Happy Days Challenge on Facebook along with four of my friends. The premise is simple: find one thing to take a picture of that makes you happy and post about it every day.

    According to the organizers, 71% of people tried the challenge and failed. Which seems really high to me. It wasn’t that hard. But I’m in marketing, so I’m on Facebook all the time – maybe that had something to do with it.

    Here’s what made me happy over the last 100 days.


  • Get your dancin’ booties on

    Have you ever tried dancing with a newborn? They can make the best partners, although you’ll always have to lead.


  • My labor – an induction story

    I recently had my first baby, which I never really made clear on here.

    I thought I’d be blogging about my pregnancy but it didn’t really happen. As things progressed, I realized I wasn’t so keen on revealing such intimate details of my life and the changes going on with my body.

    But now that he’s here, I would like to play around with blogging about more personal things in life, and this could be a great forum to document my journey into parenthood.

    That said, I do want to take precautions to protect his and my privacy, and those of other people I’m writing about.

    It all starts with a really long labor.


  • 2016 book club books

    It’s that time of year again – to review the books my book club and I read over the year. There are only two of us, but we’re a club, darn it. Also, he’s a guy, so I think it’s nice to have both a male and female perspective.

    Here’s what we read each month and what was excellent and worth reading and what wasn’t, complete with a rating scale from 1 to 10.


  • How to prevent a gator tragedy

    Edit on 06/17/16: Less than 24 hours after I wrote this post various news outlets disclosed that Disney employees reported problems to management regarding guests feeding gators – for 14 months. I have to rescind my below comment on it “probably not” being Disney’s fault. If they were made aware of the issue and did nothing, clearly they are at fault.

    I’ve been semi-obsessed with gators for a few years now and consider myself fairly educated on the reptiles.

    As an enthusiast but admittedly non-expert, I’d like to share my opinion on the recent gator-related tragedy in Orlando.
