Author: Erin Nudi

  • 100 happy days – could you complete the challenge?

    As mentioned before, I did the 100 Happy Days Challenge on Facebook along with four of my friends. The premise is simple: find one thing to take a picture of that makes you happy and post about it every day.

    According to the organizers, 71% of people tried the challenge and failed. Which seems really high to me. It wasn’t that hard. But I’m in marketing, so I’m on Facebook all the time – maybe that had something to do with it.

    Here’s what made me happy over the last 100 days.

    a bunch of blue frowny faces surrounding one yellow happy face


  • Compelling reasons why you should be trying eMeals

    Note: This is not a sponsored post. eMeals is not paying me for this. Thoughts are my own.

    Another (more general) note: I try to respect my family’s privacy as I blog even though, obviously, they come up sometimes. But it’s really cumbersome to type “the husband” and “the baby” so going forward they are A and O, respectively. Most of you probably know their names but let’s just not make it more public than it needs to be. Thanks!

    If we’re Facebook friends, you’ve probably noticed me posting pictures of awesome dinners through my 100 Happy Days posts. If you think I’m just super clever and am coming up with all of these creative dishes on my own, I’m not.

    A couple of years ago A and I tried eMeals and to be honest, I wasn’t super impressed. We did the budget plan and it was very…limiting. But, that’s probably par for the course when you’re spending as little money as possible.

    Then, a couple of months ago A suggested we give it another try, going with a different plan. And I’m super glad we did. 

    eMeals fish tacos


  • Get your dancin’ booties on

    Have you ever tried dancing with a newborn? They can make the best partners, although you’ll always have to lead.


  • My labor – an induction story

    I recently had my first baby, which I never really made clear on here.

    I thought I’d be blogging about my pregnancy but it didn’t really happen. As things progressed, I realized I wasn’t so keen on revealing such intimate details of my life and the changes going on with my body.

    But now that he’s here, I would like to play around with blogging about more personal things in life, and this could be a great forum to document my journey into parenthood.

    That said, I do want to take precautions to protect his and my privacy, and those of other people I’m writing about.

    It all starts with a really long labor.


  • 2016 book club books

    It’s that time of year again – to review the books my book club and I read over the year. There are only two of us, but we’re a club, darn it. Also, he’s a guy, so I think it’s nice to have both a male and female perspective.

    Here’s what we read each month and what was excellent and worth reading and what wasn’t, complete with a rating scale from 1 to 10.


  • 8 excellent reasons to consider a real tree this year

    Does your family get a real tree every year, or do you have an artificial one you always take out of storage? 

    If you typically use a fake tree, but are maybe open to switching up some Christmas traditions this year, here are eight great reasons why you should consider going for real over artificial.


  • Where to find the best Black Friday deals

    Confession: I have never Black Friday shopped. Although I’m going to this year, sort of – more on that below.

    If Black Friday shopping is something you’re really into, the reputable WalletHub recently conducted a survey and put together where you can find the best deals – and what kind of merchandise you can get the best prices on. 


  • Why Rory belongs with Jess

    The Gilmore Girls revival is this Friday, as we all know. I’ve been avoiding reading about it as much as possible to avoid spoilers, although I can see all three ex boyfriends are making an appearance. Which made me think about who Rory belongs with, if any of them.

    That’s important – it might be be someone else, or no one. But what if it is one of them? Who would it be?

    I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I am landing on Team Jess.

    Note: If you haven’t gotten all the way through Gilmore Girls, this does contain some spoilers.

    Let’s look at the other two contenders first, with a brief recap of the relationships.


  • Creating a Character’s Background, Place, Setting, and Milieu (writing exercise #15)

    Happy National Novel Writing Month! Who’s writing?? I am!

    I have been working on a new novel for a month or so. It’s going…slowly. I’m not hammering out hours on it every day as would be ideal. But I’m doing what I can, and doing a little bit (almost) every day.

    If you’re writing too, join me in these writing exercises, straight from What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers.

    Side note: I can’t recommend The 90 Day Novel enough, if you haven’t picked that up as well. There are also writing exercises in that book, although much simpler. (As in, write for five minutes as your main character starting with, “My idea of a perfect day is…”)

    This exercise is a little bit like the Props one – we’re taking a look at settings and objects that can really define who a person is. If someone broke into your house and went through your stuff, they’d have a pretty good idea about your personality, right? Let’s pretend we’re about to rob our protagonist’s home.


  • White chocolate: chocolate, or no?

    Do you consider white chocolate to be chocolate? Many do not.

    As I researched this one, I found myself on the fence until the very end. But I have now landed on a particular side – come and join me.
