As with zucchini and yellow squash, for this Difference Between post we’re looking not at the obvious distinction between the two (color), but instead are focusing on nutrition and flavor.
Author: Erin Nudi
Difference between: white eggs and brown eggs
I’ve been doing the Difference Between posts on Wednesdays, but I had limited access to my computer yesterday. So! Happy Thursday, with a look at white eggs and brown eggs.
Difference between: whipping cream and heavy cream
Today we’re looking at different kinds of cream: whipping cream and heavy cream, with a brief glance at light cream and half and half.
Difference between: green onions and scallions
This week’s Difference Between is a vegetable one: green onions and scallions. (With a quick look at shallots and chives.)
Difference between: ice cream and gelato
When I first had the idea for the “Difference Between” category, I knew that it would sometimes inevitably spill into more than just two things.
Today’s Difference Between is with ice cream and gelato, which of course brings into the discussion frozen yogurt, custard, sherbet, and sorbet.
Difference between: sweet potatoes and yams
This week’s Difference Between, like last week’s, is between two vegetables: sweet potatoes and yams. Although I wasn’t originally going for it, I also have a “winner” between the two.
You think you’re buying a sweet potato at the store, but it’s labeled as a yam. What gives?
Difference between: zucchini and yellow squash
This one was surprisingly difficult to research, partially because I remembered things I read years ago and tried to find them again and could not.
Difference between: Russian dressing and Thousand Island dressing
Note: Although this post was published in December of 2013 it was heavily revised and updated in January of 2018.
With Russian dressing and Thousand Island dressing, I used to believe that one had pickles and the other one didn’t, and I could never remember which one was the one with the pickles.
However, the difference between Russian dressing and Thousand Island dressing lies not so much with pickles, but with a different ingredient or two.
Difference between: Swiss cheese and baby Swiss
I have a new blog category I want to try out: difference between. How many times have I been in the grocery store and thought, what the heck is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato? Heavy cream and whipping cream? Thousand Island dressing and Russian dressing? (Note to self: future post ideas.)
That is not to say this category will always be about food, though. I mean, it probably will, but I reserve the right to explore differences between other inanimate objects.
My latest grocery store, “what is the difference between” moment was with Swiss cheese and baby Swiss cheese. After doing some research, I am ready to report the findings. Inevitably, I couldn’t help additionally delving into why Swiss cheese has holes.
I derived the following information from:,,,, and