Like last week’s Difference Between, this one is taking a look at a couple of well known beverages. We’re investigating the difference between chocolate milk and hot cocoa. Shout out to my coworker and friend Joe for suggesting this one.
Author: Erin Nudi
Difference between: orange juice and Sunny Delight
There weren’t too many surprises when I started researching the difference between orange juice and Sunny Delight, or as it’s sometimes marketed, SunnyD. But what I didn’t expect was what a horrific reputation Sunny Delight has.
Difference between: mayonnaise and aioli
So is aioli just garlic-flavored mayonnaise? Yes, but it’s more than that. Let’s check out the difference between mayonnaise and aioli.
Difference between: moon pies and whoopie pies
Have you ever had a moon pie or a whoopie pie? I haven’t. But if presented with both in the future I’ll be able to make a really educated decision on which one I’d prefer to try.
Let’s explore the difference between moon pies and whoopie pies.
Difference between: cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes
Looking for cherry tomatoes at the grocery store and finding grape instead? Wondering what the difference between the two is? Today we’re taking a look at these delectable little members of the tomato family as we find out the difference between cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes.
Babyboomer100 / Pixabay -
Do you read parenting books?
Recently, I commented on a Facebook post about a study citing that spanked children are more likely to be violent with future partners. In my thoughts, I mentioned the book What to Expect the First Year, and someone responded basically dissing me for reading parenting books.
It got me thinking…
Where I get opinionated about Thanksgiving, gun control, and more
Confession time: I recently wrote out a whole blog post with my unpopular opinion on a relevant issue today and I decided not to post it. I’m glad I didn’t, too.
But you know what? I think sometimes I play it too safe, and am overly quiet. But I have a voice, I have opinions, and I have a convenient platform here with which to express them.
Here are my thoughts on: stores being open on Thanksgiving, the woman who recently gave the finger to the president’s motorcade, and gun control.
Wedding pieces on the budget, the dress, and more
I’ve been developing a lot of content for, and I thought I’d share some of my recent pieces on how to choose a wedding dress, navigating the name change and other legalities, what you’ll want on your gift registry, and more.
StockSnap / Pixabay -
The dating anniversary VS the marriage anniversary
“Happy anniversary,” people said to me on the first and second anniversaries of the day I got married. “Thanks,” I said, secretly thinking, It’s not *really* my anniversary.
For the first two years of marriage I really believed the real anniversary was the day we started dating. That was the day our relationship started – not five years later when we had a big party and signed a piece of paper. The love and commitment were there long before.
But my third wedding anniversary just passed and I’ve changed my tune on this one.
Photo credit: McLaughlin Photography