Author: Erin Nudi

  • Which Lifetime movies are worth watching and which ones you can skip

    I’ve been taking a break from my soaps (The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful) over the last few months. After a couple of soap-free weeks, I started feeling the need to watch Lifetime movies; apparently I was craving something to fill that void.

    I have now watched eight Lifetime movies – well, technically six, with two Lifetime-like movies – and I’m here to tell you some are better than others. A few are the cheesy, eye-rolly films you might expect, but a couple were actually quite decent. Here’s what’s what.

  • Difference between: Belgian waffles and regular waffles

    This is a guest blog post written by Joe Legault.

    Back in 2001, everyone’s new favorite animated donkey, Donkey (from Shrek), said the famous line, “We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I’m making waffles!” But we never really found out if those waffles were manly waffles, special fairy tale waffles, or just plain old waffles.

    Not all waffles are the same, and two of the most popular types in North America are the Belgian waffle and the regular waffle. Let’s take a look at the key differences between these waffles.

  • 2018: the year I did yoga every day

    Adriene Mishler may not know it, but she’s done yoga with me almost every day for a year. On the days I wasn’t doing Yoga With Adriene videos I was freestyling on my own, and once, actually set foot in a yoga studio.

    Yeah. I just did yoga every single day for a full year – and had a regular routine going for a few years before that. Here’s what happened, and what’s happening next.


  • Food history: cranberry bogs on Cape Cod

    Note: This piece was co-written between me and Joe Legault.

    ‘Tis the season for all things cranberry, from cranberry sauce and chutney to pie and warm cran-apple crisp. Although this bright red berry is a bit tart by itself, it can be a flavorful addition to many side dishes and desserts.

    But have you ever wondered where this versatile fruit comes from? Unlike the other big name berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, cranberries actually grow in bogs, and right here in the Northeast, Cape Cod played a key role in the development of cranberry farming. To celebrate National Eat a Cranberry Day, let’s dive a little deeper into the history of America’s original superfruit on The Cape!


  • Difference between: broccoli and broccolini

    I’ve been meaning to check this one out for awhile: the difference between broccoli and broccolini. Let’s find out.


  • Difference between: cider and mead

    What is this mead people are talking about? Do we need to know about it? Is it a kind of cider, or wine?

    Let’s explore the difference between cider and mead. (We’re talking about hard cider, here, not that nonalcoholic stuff.)


  • Difference between: limes and key limes

    Key lime pies – can you make them with “regular” limes? What’s the difference between limes and key limes anyway? Let’s find out.


  • Difference between: sushi and sashimi

    Can’t believe I haven’t written about this one before – we see them both on all sushi place menus: what’s the difference between sushi and sashimi?


  • The Flash Fiction Challenge: 3 More Short Stories…From Joe

    In my last post, I revealed a Flash Fiction Challenge my coworker and I underwent. We created a 350-word (or less) story per day based off of’s Word of the Day. The word had to either be mentioned in the story somewhere or the story could be centered around the word.

    I’ve shared three of my stories. Here are three of his.

    Joe’s dog, Bassi, because cute animals


  • The Flash Fiction Challenge: Three of My Shortest Short Stories

    Do you receive’s Word of the Day? I do, and I’ve thought for awhile now that it would be really awesome to do a flash fiction story with the Word of the Day.

    I recently convinced my fellow writer friend/coworker Joe to embark on a 10 Days of Flash Fiction Challenge with me, so I thought I would share a few of our favorites. I’m including three of my stories here, and three of his in the next blog post.

    And, bonus: For one of mine, I’m also going to share my brainstorming thoughts on how I came up with the idea in hopes of motivating other writers out there; I’ll share a tiny bit of background info for the other two.

    Coming up with new ideas can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be if you keep your mind open and continue asking questions.

    Disclaimer: I swear.
