Yes, I said the blog was abandoned or on hiatus, but when someone just writes it for me how can I say no?
This is a guest post by Joe Legault. I took that picture, though.
Why feel clammy or crabby and flounder about when you can eat one of New England’s most popular types of seafood – the lobster! Best served whole or in a roll, lobster is a delicacy that you can find in lobster shacks, diners, food trucks, and seafood restaurants along the New England shoreline and around the world.
However, not all lobster rolls are the same, and there are actually two main styles you should know about before ordering. Join us as we take a dive into the difference between the Maine lobster roll and the Connecticut lobster roll.

Let’s Break Apart the Lobster Roll
Tender pieces of lobster in a hot dog-style bun, isn’t that what a lobster roll is? In its most basic form, that’s correct, but the Maine and Connecticut styles of lobster roll are the most common and what you’ll typically see on the menu.
The differences between the two are surprisingly simple and based on how it’s served and what it’s served with.
A Maine lobster roll is traditionally served with cold lobster meat that’s been mixed with light mayo and other ingredients, such as finely chopped celery and scallions. This lobster roll comes in a buttered and toasted/or grilled New England-style bun, and it’s been described as a lobster salad in a roll.
A Connecticut lobster roll is traditionally served with warm lobster meat in a buttered and toasted/or grilled New England-style bun. The other key difference is that it comes with a side of melted butter so you can dip the lobster roll before each bite, giving it an extra rich flavor.
Where Did the Lobster Roll Come From?
According to online sources, lobster rolls are native to New England and the Canadian Maritimes. It’s believed the first documented lobster roll was served in a restaurant named Perry’s in Milford, Connecticut back in 1929. This “original lobster roll” was grilled and included warm lobster meat, which influenced the current Connecticut style.
In the mid to late-20th century, restaurants throughout New England began to serve the lobster roll. Maine, a seafood destination, became known for its “lobster salad” style of sandwich.
Today, the lobster roll is a classic summer menu item, and restaurants all over the world offer their own variations (extra lobster, extra butter anyone? Bueller?). Just remember that Hot=Connecticut Style and Cold=Maine Style.
Taste the difference between the two types for yourself, and let us know which one you prefer!